What is WPO?

WPO stands for Web Performance Optimization and basically means improving the loading times of a website, or in other words, showing users the content of your website in the shortest possible time. Google gives it a lot of importance and we consider it key when it comes to positioning a website. Proof of this are the Core Web Vitals.

The speed of a website has become one of the most important factors in SEO positioning. This will contribute both to the user experience (UX) and to obtaining better rankings in the SERPS, improving your web positioning.

Load speed is the time it takes for a browser to download information from the server and display the content of a page. This speed can greatly influence overall SERPS ranking because slower pages tend to have higher bounce rates and lower average stays.

We can use Google’s own tool, Google Page Speed ​​Insights, to find out the score both on mobile devices and in stock and the advice to improve.

  • Tips to improve the WPO
  • Choose a powerful hosting.
  • Compress the images as much as you can.
  • Minimize CSS and Javascript.
  • Use a CDN.
  • Delete everything you don’t use.
  • Optimize your databases.
  • Turn off pingbacks and trackbacks.
  • Avoid 404 errors.
  • Avoid having permanent redirects.
  • It uses a cache system.
  • Block hotlinking.
Posted in: SEO

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