What is link juice?

Link juice is the term used to describe the internal or external transfer of authority from one url to another through links or backlinks.

When we talk about link juice in web positioning, we are not only referring to the transfer of authority through links , it also has the function of facilitating search engines that use these links as “highways” to discover other or more websites. sections of it.

Difference between internal and external link juice
The internal link juice is the authority that is transmitted to different urls of the same website.

Each of the sections that make up a website does not have the same authority, therefore we must identify which urls are the most relevant for search engines, either by number of visits or by number of incoming external links and through the interlinking channel that authority towards the sections to which you want to give them greater importance or authority.

External link juice is the authority passed to a website from another external domain.

How to get the best link juice?
These are the main characteristics that the backlinks that point to your website must meet:

  • Pages with relevant content and similar to yours.
  • Pages that have a high authority.
  • Pages that have few outgoing links.
  • Pages with quality content.
  • Pages that have good positions in the SERPs for searches similar or related to your topic.

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