16 Essential SEO Keys for Web Positioning

Today I want to share with you the Key Points that I consider most important in SEO nowadays. I explain in more detail the 16 most important SEO tips that can help you in your SEO positioning / Web Positioning strategy.

SEO keys for Web Positioning:

  1. Make a web page is very easy – It is very easy to make web pages and is the pillar of all your SEO strategy. So think about how to improve it or create other pages or Landing Pages that complement it. When I started, it was very easy, because you only had to see the source code of any page to learn how they had done it. Html really is one of the most simple and intuitive programming languages ​​there. But … Now it’s even easier! With WordPress or another content manager you can make a website in one afternoon. Today the templates are amazing and very cheap. You can have a professional website made by you for few dollars only.
  2. SEO specialists were a scourge – Those of us who have dedicated ourselves to SEO, for many years we have not been doing the Internet any favors. We made very bad pages come out in the first results. What would have happened if this had remained so? Well, people have stopped using Google. Why do you use Google? Well because it works very well, because it gives you the best results. If not already you would have changed. Then Google always tries to change its algorithms and functions so that we do not cheat or trick it into corrupting its analysis and results. Google has ended up severely penalizing many websites for bad practices. Now SEO cannot abuse tricks and has to also focus on usability, interest and conversion of the page.
  3. First thing we have to make sure for SEO is that the page is good – That’s why SEO now, the first thing you do when you have to position a bad website, is to make it good. Good in usability, in design, and above all, in value content. 95% of company websites wrongly focus on showing their commercial products. But they compete with amateur websites with much better content. Put your batteries if you want to have an audience. One of the main objectives is that the readers last a long time on each page, and you will hardly get it if your page is bad and offers nothing. Take care of technical aspects, mobile design, page structure, duplicate content, images, corporate branding, remove ads, add social buttons, create long pages with ambitious content, etc… In the half of the collaborations that I do of SEO, the first essential step to continue is to make a new website. Because no, you cannot put a business page of 5 years ago in the top positions of Google.
  4. Natural SEOMeanwhile, Google has discovered that the most important thing to see what should position better, is to look at the user experience. Now all the natural aspects will be fundamental: the time of stay in each page, the times shared in social networks, and that contribute value to the reader. Getting links from other pages is still very important as in the past. The difference is that now these have to be natural and deserved. Many SEO agencies based their strategy on getting thousands of links in directories and networks of ghost pages. They have had to reconvert and those that do not run away from the country, because they have sunk big brands in their positioning. Google’s penalties have caused havoc. Imagine what it is like for a company to go from having 200,000 visits a month to having 3,500. Be very careful with the SEO miracles for two hard times. They can cost you dearly.
  5. Content of Value & Quality – The content could be divided into 3 types: commercial content, content of value and content of filling. I have made many web pages, and in ALL I have been commissioned to make commercial content. What if the catalog tab, what if its products, what if our services, what if we are good … But how are you going to interest that to people? You in social networks, what do you share? Valuable content or commercial content? And in what type of content do you last the longest? And what would you recommend in your blog? Well, valuable content. For that you will try to satisfy the concerns and questions that are being asked by those interested in your sector. Help them and create your own community. Google will know at once for all the above that your website interests users. Try it yourself with any search on Google. You will see how the value content wins the commercial.
  6. Valuable content always wins over commercial content – Change your positioning strategy for your main commercial URLs, and focus first on positioning some pages with valuable content. There will then be time for 20% of readers to be interested in other articles and some for your commercial products. Cannot sell or get potential customers through non-commercial content? Of course and that is the so-called Content Marketing and also Indirect Marketing or Inbound Marketing. The best thing to create community in social networks and to position in search engines is the value content.
  7. Content of good value, very good or incredible – And … content of value? How? How much? Well the more the better. It’s that simple you have to be ambitious and try to provide as much value as possible to solve the issue you raise. The contents of value could be classified as good, very good and incredible. You may have good content to publish it. Wait. Spend a little more effort until you have very good content. If you want you can publish it now, you will like it on your social networks and for a few days you will have many visits. But no, wait. Give a few laps and put much more love and detail to the content. Then you already have incredible content. Now everything is easier, readers will enjoy double and you will have a thousand reasons to link or share on social networks.
  8. Ambition is very important for good content – Ambition is the fundamental factor in making good content. More even than the knowledge on the subject… The first thing will be to check what other content is positioned for the same keywords as your article. And anyway, you have to try to do something better, more complete, from more points of view, collaborative, special or different. You cannot settle for little, neither with putting the same thing, nor with leaving the topics in half and doing what everyone else who writes about that topic In this of the SEO and the Marketing of Contents it is not better the one that more knows, but the one that more trusts in this and more ambition has.
  9. Social networks are most important for SEO – As I’ve told you before, social networks are the new protagonist of Web Positioning. Google will not value the number of followers or the number of fans. Google will only value the number of times each URL has been shared on the networks. And he’s going to treat it in a very similar way to how he treats incoming links and Page rank. With which you have to encourage your readers to share your content; you have to link the offline world of the company and the online world; and you have to take care of your ambassadors to participate in your content. The most important thing is not just to share from your accounts, but to make others share your content in theirs. That’s why I prefer incredible value content.
  10. Prefer Quality over quantity – The amount does not ensure much longer duration on the page. It can even cause rejection. Almost always better position the longer content, but you have to put many titles and make it very visual. If it is not easily scan-able at first sight, the reader is hardly going to read everything before knowing what is going on and if he is interested. Repetitive and redundant content does not help either, so if you want to write long, you’ll have to make many arguments. The lists work very well because people want to know first if we need something to do from that list looking at the headlines, and then if you read the explanations. At least half of the readers of this post will only read the titles… If you do not, and you have read this, put it in the comments.
  11. Use YouTube – YouTube is going to be the social network with the highest growth in 2014. And that is already the third web in the world with the most traffic. The previous years were the years of blogs and social media. 2014 will be the year in which all brands start betting heavily on their YouTube Channel. The URLs of your videos on YouTube position immediately and twice. That is, you can position twice, with the article and with the video. If of 10 Google results, two are yours, there is less competition. It also helps to position the pages that include them, and often also to increase the time of stay on the page. If it is also Google’s first cousin and is linked to all its applications, YouTube is a major player in Web Positioning.
  12. Use Google+ – If YouTube is Google’s first cousin, Google+ is its little brother. The +1 will count almost the same as the likes or Tweets of each URL. The difference is that Google+ makes it a bit easier to get them compared to Facebook and Twitter. How? Well, in two ways. The communities are great platforms to spread your best content and get many +1. Take advantage of them and also participate selflessly in them. Then there may be many people who are already sharing your content in G +, with which you only have to do +1 in all publications to win many +1 at the end. Search your domain.com on Google+ and participate.
  13. They continue importing the incoming links – In the past the inbound links were the most important thing to position well, and almost the only thing. Google understands that if you are linked many times, it is as if many people recommend you. As it gave rise to many traps, Google now penalizes when you get these in a spammer way or in pages without authority. That’s why it will continue to be essential to get links, but in a natural and deserved way. There are many ways, but the best of all is creating relationships and participating with your sector. Sometimes the best way to get links will be without touching a computer: doing an event, giving away your product, writing for other blogs or picking up the phone. You must take a monthly analysis of the new links you are getting.
  14. Lighten the loading speed of your page – Have not you noticed that the internet is going faster for a few years? Well, know that there are still very old pages, outdated and in flash. What happens is that Google tries to show them as little as possible. Google is committed to offering a very good experience to the Internet user. If the pages were slow, we would use less. So, a priority is to take weight off your page. JavaScript and images are the most important things on your website. Compress your images; reduce them before uploading them to the size in which you are going to show them. Avoid the use of java, plugins and unnecessary widgets. Try to put them together in a single file, compress them and delay loading. And remember that it is essential to have a Caching and compression system in Gzip.
  15. Watch what you link – Google spends its days visiting billions of links, so try not to waste your time. Is Google going to put the first positions on a website in which 4 of its links are broken and no longer lead anywhere? Well, it does not help anything, of course. However, you will value positively if you link the best contents of your sector, because it understands that you contribute more value and not commercial content. You can check your links with the tools. They will tell you all the broken links and redirects that you could change.
  16. SEO is only Common Sense – As you can see, most things in Web Positioning are common sense. We all know a lot about SEO; we just have to ask ourselves the right questions. What would Google recommend, an article like that or like that? And now, to apply it in your content and your strategy. Surely you already knew that they position better fast pages, attractive, with incredible content, that make users stay long, with good links, with a recognized author, with comments, and with many links on other websites and social networks. If you give me a hand with a comment or a shared I would appreciate it…

Do you have any advice for Web Positioning that you can share with us? Did you already do any of these steps? Do you have any doubt? Tell me if I can help you in something or give you a hand in your positioning.

Posted in: SEO

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