Pay Per Click Campaign

If the expected increase in sales and the existing marketing budget go far apart. Also, the planning of pay-per-click campaigns is not easy; but, No reason for sweat breaks! With these tips, your PPC campaign will be a success despite a tight budget.

What is it PPC ?

PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click and is a billing model in online marketing. Pay-Per-Click campaigns are not billed per advertising or sales, but per page (click on ads).

A common vendor of this model is, for example, Google AdWords – advertising ads and sponsor links, which appear as search results with the yellow “Add” ad at the top as well as the margin are advertising ads calculated according to this model.

In order to appear high up here, you are bidding on keywords – and of course you can spend more money than you might like.

PPV or Pay-Per-View, for example, is not the number of clicks, but the number of impressions (how often the banner or text ad is displayed on the search engine or the advertising portal), or PPA Or pay-per-action, where billing is based on a defined and tracked action (for example, a buyer is interested).

Nowadays, PPC is the dominant model in the market segment with smaller advertising budgets, as the costs and the ROI are much easier to predict and control.

Pay-Per-View, on the other hand, can be difficult to gauge the percentage of visitors who see a banner or text ads.

Although many different vendors have previously populated the PPC market, substantial consolidation has taken place in recent years, and essentially only a large vendor remains – Google.

But even with a small budget, you can start sending successful PPC campaigns when you pay attention to a few things.

This is how your PPC campaign works despite a small budget:

Bring your resources to the point: Put the customer’s glasses on: Which search terms would customers use intuitively to find your products? Record the most important four to five keywords that are relevant to your business.

The AdWords keyword planner can help you, because it shows you which search volumes show the individual search terms and how expensive the average click is (Cost per Click).

Your company is not located in a niche and your keywords are often used by the competition?

In order to achieve a higher search engine ranking, the strategy of keyword phrases, the so-called “long tail keywords”, can be used. Keyword phrases are combinations of less used search terms, but in their combination generate the most clicks on your page.

The advantages are clear: Quality-Clicks at much lower prices than the top keywords.

Use your keywords profitably: Keywords are not self-purpose. You should catapult your company in the targeted search for the top and thus boost your sales.

In order to do this, I recommend you to go through the three following steps and repeat them on a regular basis:

  1. Invest and offer enough for your trump keywords; That is, so much that you appear on Google with it.
  2. Test ads with different keywords, and see which generates the highest click rate.
  3. Make sure that your landing page also contains relevant content for the search terms

Your goal should be that your campaign with your chosen keywords appears at the top of the search results – most likely right under the search box at the top, because that is what is seen by your target group as a search result first…

 Savings through target group focusing: I have personally experienced with our PPC campaigns that the more the ad is targeting the target group of the product, the more cost-efficient and successful the campaign is.

Of course, you can control this in detail, but the following three tips will help you to significantly improve these odds:

  1. Geo Targeting for targeted customer engagement: The profitable use of keywords naturally also means that companies that are only active in a particular region or whose customers come from a certain region are also restricting their ads to this region.Specifically: If the travel company determines that mainly residents from the north and east of Germany book a bus trip to the Black Forest, the company can align its ads precisely to these states or regions.
  2. Building customer retention through retargeting: Another strategy to increase profitability is retargeting. People who have visited your site will see your ad as they continue to surf the web. This is an extremely effective way to recall visitors and move them to a purchase or contract conclusion.Also in retargeting, your ad is very likely to reach the visitors who are interested in your products or services. And more affordable than a normal Adwords campaign is the retargeting as well.How does retargeting look in practice? The company could, for example, appeal to all visitors to the website who have already opened the shopping cart but have not booked a trip yet. With this target group, it is extremely likely that they are planning to book a trip to this region and have already taken the company in the narrower selection of travel providers. Retargeting can be used to provide the missing impetus for booking.

Bing Ads – small but: Microsoft’s adcenter, the PPC interface to its Bing search engine, is the largest competitor, but also has less than 10% market share compared to over 80% on Google in most countries (except some big markets with their own internal search engines like Russia And China).

Bing Ads have quite their right and a lot of advantages. There is often less competition in the individual keywords, which is why the cost per click (CPC) is also significantly lower than in Adwords.

Bing Ads is built in the same way as Adwords, so you can transfer your campaign directly. Try it out and see if the searchability in the Bing and Yahoo network is worthwhile for you.

In India, it is essentially the case that over 90% of the seekers use Google, and so Adwords is also the PPC program to which the SEM should focus.

The various campaign approaches presented here are fairly general, but can easily be transferred to companies in the various sectors.

Conclusion: It does not always depend on the size of the budget, but on where and how efficiently it is used.