Effective link building tips for SEO beginners

Effective Link building Tips

Off Page SEO Optimization – Build quality backlinks and improve search engine ranking!!!

Link building is one of the most difficult topics of search engine optimization and probably the most common reason for a massive loss of visibility and traffic. But how do you actually build links, which give a website more visibility and ensure long-term traffic? We have compiled a list of a total of 24 link building tips to help newcomers get new links.

  1. High quality content: High quality content is an important reason why other websites should link to yours. If you have inferior and insufficient information, you will not get any links. So write important information in your content and give others a reason to link you.
  2. Do not wait any longer now: Bring your content into conversation and disseminate it. Other people can only link to you if they know your content. You should therefore network with the other webmasters and people who are relevant to your topic area.
  3. Guest contributions or guest posting: Write guest contributions to a relevant topic in other blogs. Important: The topic of the guest contribution should be relevant to the topic of the blog on which you will publish the post and, of course, also relevant to the topic of your website.
  4. Observe the relevant issues: An important, rarely noticed point is the issue of relevance. Often, many web site operators try to get as many links as possible without paying attention to the source and topic of the source. However, a link from a thematic site is significantly higher quality and more effective than a link from a non-themed source.
  5. Blog comments: In many blogs, you can post comments and even leave a link to your website. Google now recognizes this comment area very well and assigns the links accordingly. It is clear that with comments the domain and link pop can be increased, but these links are not much value. A few links from comments are ok, too many cost but time you waste. Focus on higher quality links… However, if you post a comment on blog with a link, make sure that your comment applies to the blog post and offers added value.
  6. Top lists: Create top lists like this blog post, peppered with tips, up-to-date information or informative data and facts. Such top lists are easy to read and are often linked.
  7. Myths: Often, half-knowledge and false information are distributed and published on the web. Lists that not only call myths, but also correct them, are gladly read, distributed in social networks and, of course, linked.
  8. Expert interviews: In each area there are experts who have already made a name for themselves. Interviews with these experts are also often linked, because important interviews or interviews can lead to important information or tips.
  9. Inquire: If you have written a particularly high quality article, and someone else writes a more superficial article on this subject, or makes a listing about companies in your industry but leaves you out, you should write the author of the article and ask for a nomination and a link, You will be surprised how many links they can get so!
  10. Also link with others: Of course you should not only ask for links or try to get them, but also link to external pages. Only those who are also linked will be happy to link.
  11. Infographics: Infographics are in full swing and a good reason to be linked. Find a specific topic within your industry and create an infographic that will then be published on your blog.
  12. Studies: Studies with figures and facts about your industry are very gladly linked, but only if you call sources and the study was professionally prepared. Remember: a study also includes statistics, sales and above all: diagrams.
  13. Start a linkbait: Start a linkbait in your blog to generate new links. Consider, for example, something critical or with a touch of provocation. It is important that other website operators are aware of you, also publish the topic in the blog and link to you.
  14. Write an eBook: If you are specialized in a topic, you should write an eBook. As long as the information contained therein is useful and helps others, the eBook spreads as if by it in the internet and is often linked to the source, ie to you.
  15. Sweepstakes: Profit games are still very popular and depending on what you raffle, large amounts of visitors will go to your website. And, of course, the competition also means – and here it comes back to what you raffle – in other blogs and magazines.
  16. Link building by events: Anyone reporting on an event as the first will often be called a source. But also, who first publishes an extensive report after an event, will be able to look forward to many links.
  17. Sponsoring: Of course, links can also be gained by sponsoring clubs, events or beneficial purposes: If you opt for sponsoring, you are sometimes referred to as a sponsor on the website and can, if not already done, kindly ask for a link. Attention: Sponsoring does not guarantee a link!
  18. Recaps: Anyone who visits offline events, such as conferences or trade fairs, where other people or companies from the same industry can be found, should write a recap, for example a blog contribution with the impressions and the opinion of the event. If several people write a recap, they link to each other in order to draw attention to the other recaps and opinions.
  19. Offering freebies: Free things like eBooks, icons, logos, and others are very popular and are constantly creating new links. For example, if you find your Freebies well, these are gladly presented in other blogs and linked from there.
  20. Press releases: Press releases are unimportant to many users and are less and less used. However, it is sometimes worthwhile to compose and send press releases. Also the use of press distributors sometimes pays off when the press release has added value.
  21. Forums: Use forums, but not in bulk, and especially those that fit into your industry, your topic, and your target audience. But beware: links are often deleted in forums, if the account was created fresh. Dear write some posts without links and get involved in the forum.
  22. Guest books: Links from guest books, even if these in SEO circles due to spam rather a negative reputation. But: Here too, there are good links, especially if the domain is a well-linked and well-maintained domain that does not allow spam in the guestbook.
  23. Surveys: Surveys offer other users the opportunity to interact on the page and are therefore quite popular. In addition, a survey of your own opinion is important. However, one should consider the topics for the survey well and do not simply blindly dare to ask.
  24. Link Exchange: Other website operators also need new backlinks to keep their own page in the ranking. In order to avoid spending money, you can run lice exchange. This means that you link to a page from site operator A and in return also a Backlink – ideally from a third page.

Conclusion: There are many ways to get new backlinks for your own blog or website. Even beginners who have no big or no budget for link building can go different ways to get backlinks and strengthen their own page.

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