10 Basic Tips For Successful SEO

Tips For Successful SEO

If you want to be successful on the Internet, your pages must appear as far up as possible on Google. With search engine optimization you can influence this. Google is constantly trying to become more intelligent and changes its algorithms several times a year. This is not only a challenge for all site operators, but also for search engine optimization. Only a mix of the right on-page SEO and off-page SEO measures strengthens your website permanently and boosts the Google ranking. We have compiled the ten most important basic tips for successful SEO for you.

  1. SEO as a process: Understand search engine optimization as a continuous process. Google is constantly changing the algorithms and your SEO measures need to respond. Simple rule: Always ask yourself whether all the measures you make are also useful to your site visitors. After all, Google only attempts to simulate the human user by means of technical means, always consider this in the search engine optimization.
  2. Structure: Choose a simple structure for your website with a clear design and clear navigation. Access web standards, that is familiar to users from other websites. Innovative web design does not support your Google ranking and is not useful for search engine optimization! But a clear structure helps the readability of your website to people and search engines; this should always keep you in mind with SEO.
  3. Internal linking: Google is based on a website about the existing links. You should therefore look for a clear internal link structure and ensure that your pages are linked together. With this SEO measure you support the search engine in the orientation. When optimizing search engines, you should ensure that each page is accessible only via a URL.
  4. Good code: For SEO, it is advisable to use as clean, up-to-date and valid HTML as possible. Avoid unnecessary technical blockages such as Java Script, Flash or Frames. These are harmful for a search engine optimization!
  5. SEO needs keywords: What are your users looking for? Analyze the search behavior and use the relevant search terms relevant to your site. “Keywords” are the search words that you want to be found on Google. Therefore, if you are running SEO for your website, you should know your most important keywords. When writing your texts, make sure you have a proper keyword density. Reasonable repetitions or search terms can eliminate your efforts in search engine optimization.
  6. Title, Description, and Headlines: In the HTML structure of a page, there are items that are of paramount importance to Google and should therefore be filled out for search engine optimization. Make sure that the main keyword of the page is in the title. Also the headlines H1 and H2 should basically contain the most important keyword. The description is important for the display of the search results and should describe the contents of the page briefly and succinctly. Therefore always take into account Title, Description and Headlines when optimizing search engines.
  7. Domain and URL: SEO also takes place with your domain and URLs: Ideally, the domain name of your website contains the topic or the product that you want to sell. Also use talking URLs. The main keyword of the page should appear in the URL. Your URLs are then more readable for both crawlers and visitors, making them an important part of SEO.
  8. Unique content: Content is essential for a website and for search engine optimization. Write regularly new content for your websites and publish only “Unique Content”. This is the only way to keep crawlers and users interesting. Google preferred high-quality content. Please describe your focus in detail. Do not use other sources. In the long term, Google rewards the sites that offer the most relevant content to the chosen keywords. Content is fundamental to your SEO actions.
  9. Backlinks: Make sure that external links point to your site. For the link popularity, however, not only the number but also the quality of the incoming links is important. Therefore, only cooperate with reputable partners. Also links from related websites, online portals, forums and blogs are helpful in SEO measures. However, you should avoid purchased links from linkfarms during your search engine optimization.
  10. Sitemaps: Sitemaps are extremely useful for search engine optimization. A visible HTML Sitemap serves as a guide for users and provides a complete overview of the content and the hierarchical structure of your website. In addition, there is the possibility to integrate an XML sitemap, which is used by the search engine crawlers to map the website structure in the search results. This is only an advantage with SEO.
Posted in: SEO

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