How to optimize your blog articles to improve SEO positioning?

With On Page SEO, we can optimize our page to improve SEO positioning. Following a content optimization strategy will make your domain relevant and will play a very important factor when it comes to positioning.

And you will wonder, how can I optimize the content of my blog to improve its positioning? As experts in web positioning, here we leave you a series of quick and practical tips to develop the content of the posts and improve your positions in the SERPs.

Article title: By title of the article we refer to the H1, then we will talk about the Meta title (many people confuse it). In CMS like WordPress, the H1 usually corresponds to the title that you give to the article and that it also uses to build the URL. The title must describe in a simple and striking way the content that we are going to develop. It should contain the main keyword and if possible at the beginning to make it easier for search engines.

URL structure: As we have commented before in CMS, as a general rule, the URL is created automatically using the title that we have used, but our advice is that you NEVER leave it like that!

  • Eliminate articles and prepositions. As long as doing this the URL has the same meaning as the title.
  • Includes the keyword.
  • Do not use symbols such as accents, exclamations, question marks. It is a very common mistake and this causes very strange URLs to be created.
  • Create a URL that is as short as possible, as long as it is related to the content of the article.

Content writing: Regarding the length of the articles, Google does not state anything concrete, but do not forget that the “panda” algorithm in charge of the quality and duplication of the contents controls the semantic concordance. We recommend articles of at least 500 words, but the length does not have to be mandatory. The quality of the content has to prevail, sometimes the topic will give 300 words to talk, other 600 and other 280. Not by creating more content will we get a better position. The goal is to create quality items as naturally as possible.

In order not to make the mistake of excessively repeating the main keyword (keyword stuffing), it is advisable to use synonyms throughout the text, so that we broaden the range of positioned terms and highlight the importance of different parts of the text with bold and highlights, to make users and search engines understand that these fragments are more important than the rest.

Another factor to take into account when creating the content is the headings.

These heading tags help structure your content to make it easier for readers and search bots to understand your content and highlight the most important parts.

  • Use a single H1 tag in each URL.
  • Avoid repeating the H1 in the Meta title.
  • Heading tags provide information about the relevance of each heading. H1 tag is the most important and is followed by other heading tags H2, H3, H4, H5…
  • Use a logical order for the Headings. We recommend not starting using an H4 and then an H2, for example.

An example to structure the headings of your blog could be the following:

  • H1 (title): How to choose an electric car?
  • H2: Why buy an electric car?
  • H2: How long do the batteries last?
  • H3: choose the car based on the use you give it
  • H4: What brands have the best electric cars?
  • H5: Charging points, a factor that makes the difference

Meta title tag: It must have between 30 and 56 characters approximately (including spaces) although lately they have varied. Meta Titles appear in web browser bar and SERPS. The Keywords are important, you must include at least one keyword and if possible as early as possible in the title. If we include it at the end, Google gives it less value. It has to be concise, concrete and striking. It is important not to get involved in putting many articles between words, that the title be as direct as possible. The keyword in the title is considered one of the most important factors. It is true that there has been a lot of talk about these tags and that Google did not take keywords into account, but it is true that if it is a question of briefly describing the service on your page, it makes perfect sense to include the keyword, I leave it there!

Meta Description: The description must be between approximately 70 and 156 characters (including spaces). This description at the end has to be a small summary of the content of the post. We must include a couple of keywords and, as in the title; we must try to put them as soon as possible. The Meta description of a page explains, convinces, specifies your offer and attracts attention. Its value is in creating an attractive description that a searcher wants to click on. It must be directly relevant to the page it describes, and unique to each page.

Both the title and description goals play a very important role in the CTR, I leave you here an article that we have about this.

Meta keywords: We are not going to explain on it much. In our case, we no longer use it or put it on. Google has long said that it will not take it into account. But if you want to enter it, use the main keyword, simply because it does not have an empty label.

Images: If you use WordPress, the first thing you should do is add the featured image.

The images that are used to illustrate the contents must include a title tag and alternative text that describes the image or you can also use the main keyword. We recommend that these tags be unique for each image on the web.

The second factor to consider for images is weight. We do not stop finding websites with 2MB images. You have to take into account the size in which it is going to be displayed on the web, to create an image that fits and compresses as much as possible, without clearly becoming pixilated.

Internal links or interlinking: They are very important, because these contents are the ones that are shared and the ones that will create references to our website.

Internal linking favors the indexing of our content by the search engine, it is highly recommended to include links to other content on our website, which also complete the information of the readers, also favoring the user experience. Again, naturalness should mark the number of links to include and how to link them: Two options, or put them in the images or with anchor text.

Anchor text or anchor text, is the text on which you click. It tells the user and bot what’s on the other end. It is more “powerful” but would not include more than three… Always with keywords that you want to promote.

The ideal when writing a 400 to 500 word post is to introduce 2 or 3 links with text and 3 or 4 images if necessary.


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