Importance of Website Architecture in SEO

Website architecture can probably be described as the absolute base of any good web project. For you as an SEO, it is, essential to deal with it. I would therefore like to introduce you to the basics of website architecture.

The point is finally: Your on-site SEO and off-site SEO actions can still be so good. Without a meaningful structure, your site will neither line up well, nor achieve the desired conversion.

What is website architecture?

Do not let this here irritate you from this possibly complicated concept. Website architecture is nothing else but building your website. And this of course should follow a plan. In this respect, the structure of a website can easily be compared with the construction of a house.

In the course of the construction work, an architect also presents a plan to be followed by the construction workers during the construction process.

When planning a website you should make some thoughts in advance:

  • How many topics will be on the website?
  • In which hierarchy is the topics presented?
  • Depending on: What URL structure should your site have?
  • How should the user navigate through the page?

The architecture, as you can see from these simple questions, is clear from the content and therefore, of course, from the goals you pursue with your page.

In the worst case, an improper planning can be the first error in your project. So take the time to think about your plan. And keep up with it later. Subsequent changes can have serious consequences. A change to the permalink structure, for example, can negate all your efforts in link building.

Relevance of website architecture for search engine optimization: The importance of the structure of your website for your success in the field of SEO feeds on two factors. On the one hand, the usability is the user-friendliness of your website. On the other hand, there are also technical reasons for you to deal intensively with the structure.

The user likes it clear: The user experience plays a special role in search engine optimization, although many SEOs like to overlook this aspect.

The point is nevertheless the: Ultimately the visitor of your website should buy your product or click on your affiliate link. But he will only do that if he feels comfortable on your website.

Therefore make the user as easy as possible to find your way to your website. The goal should be to allow your visitors to reach every single page with two clicks. In the sense of a good conversion, the way to your product should not be blocked.

In order to ensure this, the user should always be clear where he is. With one click, for example, it should go from a product page or a specialist article to the superior category overview.

If this is possible, it will have a positive impact on your conversion. At the same time user data such as length of stay, bounce rate, etc. improve – all relevant ranking factors and thus guaranties for a good position in Google’s search results.

Just try to look at each subpage you create as a standalone landing page. Via Deeplinks, it is not unlikely that a user reaches such a bottom.

Show therefore on each individual page that it is welcome and enables it as simple and intuitive navigation as possible. Also the clever work with Cornerstone Content can support this project.

Google likes flat hierarchies: But not only the user likes it clear. Google also appreciates flat hierarchies.

The goal should be to create no deep directory structures. The closer a bottom to the main page, the higher the relevance Google ascribes to it. At the same time, you’ll make it difficult for the search engine to index your site if you nest it too strongly.

In the sense of a fast and complete indexing, I can therefore only advise on very flat hierarchies. This should also be reflected on your URL structure. Try to keep the URLs as short and meaningful as possible

Finally, it should be mentioned that Google does not necessarily refer to duplicate content, that is, multiple occurrences. Such are therefore to be avoided. Especially with content management systems such as WordPress such content is almost inevitable.

Try to avoid such content by avoiding unnecessary category overviews.

Conclusion: When designing a website, be aware of the architecture and logical arrangement of topic pages from the outset. Quite a few webmasters have got gray hair on larger projects, because the important task has only been done in retrospect.

  • User friendliness
  • Clear Navigation
  • Flat hierarchies
