Local Search Engine Optimization

In addition to global Search Engine Optimization, countrywide or even global, the field of regional SEO or local SEO has developed very rapidly in recent years and is now even more important for numerous companies than global optimization.

Here we will talk about:

  • Own SEO Experiments.
  • Local Positioning doubts left by my users.
  • Learning about Local Positioning.
  • SEO for small local businesses.
  • SEO for localized online stores .
  • Strategies to attract more local visits to the web.

In doing so, the rankings are not optimized for general search terms, but with a specific geographic addition, as for example the area of ​​California USA or Rockhampton Australia. It turns out that it is often much easier to reach the top 10 for such terms than for the general versions, and the searchers on these keywords are even more interesting than potential customers because they are just in the geographic close environment.

Particularly important for Australia is the Melbourne, which is easy to comprehend. The number of search queries with “Melbourne” addition is considerable. For this reason, SEO is very much in demand for the Melbourne area and is an important part of our work.

Apart from the pure organic Google rankings, there are also the so-called Google Places search results, which also geographically localized, and depending on the search and the position of the seeker are displayed differently. It’s easy to create a Google Places listing for your company. However, achieving that one is displayed far up in the Places search results is not trivial and needs some work.

However, we have already dealt a great deal with this issue and in most cases we can achieve and stabilize sustainable successes.

As a further possible direction of the regional search engine optimization are the numerous local directories and backlinks of regional sites. On the one hand, these provide more regional visibility and direct visitors; on the other hand, these characteristics are gradually weighted by Google for regional users. A link-building campaign on regional sites is therefore an indispensable part of any search engine optimization of a company oriented to the regional market. We have already successfully taken over this task in numerous cases and can now act effectively and purposefully for you.

Local SEO with more detailed information

The search engine optimization on the Internet was up to the last time in the world, but if you only offer local products and services, such as in London, you can also use regional or local SEO services – such as SEO – for the London area.

Let us just imagine, we had a building cleaning service and our target group is companies, offices and upscale private homes in the local area. Since we also want to offer our services over the Internet, we also want to be found only by decision-makers from that area.

Since the big search engines, such as Google, make it possible today to generate regional search results and make a search engine optimization (SEO) possible, you can ask a specialist to do SEO for you. It is therefore very well ensured that you do not have to pay for visits to your website by people from, who would never have cleaned the office or the house from you.

If you have not yet been interested in a local SEO for your internet presence, you should know that the search engine optimization is a very effective type of advertising on the Internet and through the procedures of the search engines, the relevance of a website regarding one in the search engine entered search word to be further refined. This is particularly true for local search engine optimization.

If a possible customer enters a search engine in his local cleaning installation, what he will do most of the time, he will be shown all the cleaning services in local area. However, the local search engine also reveals that the prospective customer is located in the inner area, just 4 km away from you. So, on the first page of the search results, he will then be able to see all the building cleanings that are in his vicinity.

Now it is important to be at the top of this first page. This gives you the assurance that a customer will definitely be able to see your website, since he would like to deal with the topic of cleaning the building. If you are in the first place of the local search engine results, you have to operate SEO specifically for the local area or to be looked after by us professionally.