Web Positioning: How to appear in the first page of Google?

These are the 6 keys to position your website on the first page of search engines

One of the key factors in the Inbound Marketing strategy is web positioning in search engines like Google. Remember that the content strategy aims to attract potential customers, satisfying their information needs. So appearing on the first page of the search engine, for queries related to our industry, is essential.

According to a study, the first organic search result on Google gets 60% of clicks. The second 15% and third 7%. In other words, appearing on the following Google pages is almost the same as not appearing.

For this reason, any inbound marketing strategy must have an SEO professional, responsible for content optimization, so that the web page can be measured with the first ranking results.

In general, these are the 6 changes that your page needs.

Web positioning: Improve your content

This aspect is possibly the most important of all. Google’s algorithm is designed to prioritize pages with the best content. Those that perfectly respond to user queries and that’s why, they have become popular.

Analyze your content: do you have quality information in published article or blog? Added value such as infographics, images and videos? What data can you provide that really interests your target audience and ignore your competition? Therein lies the key to success.

Create content that provokes sharing

  • Add blog to your site, “Marketers, who prioritize blog posts are 13 times more likely to see positive ROI”
  • Having a blog will allow you to share relevant information, which will multiply your traffic
  • The articles that lead the first page of Google, have between 400 and 2000 words.
  • Use simple language.
  • The content should be original, creative and innovative
  • The more recent the information, the greater the impact it will have on the internet
  • Post frequently

Web positioning: Identify the keywords of your brand (keywords)

Keywords, in web positioning (SEO), are the terms used by users to make their search queries. This means that if we find the keywords that our potential clients normally use, we will be able to identify their concerns, needs and curiosities about different topics in our industry.

That gives us enough information to develop articles and content offerings that are really interesting and valuable to the audience. We call this laying the groundwork for lead generation.

There are main keywords, which we are interested in positioning for having a high volume of monthly searches and linking directly with the product or service offered by our company. For example: the keyword of an insurer is “life insurance”. And if we create a section on our website that refers only to that service, we will have a significant flow of traffic with purchase intention.

Then there are the secondary keywords, which refer to all the topics related to the main function of the brand. For example, in the case of the insurer, we have: “family life insurance”, “vehicle insurance”, “types of insurance” and the like. These are perfect for the web positioning of blog articles.

Keyword types

There are three types of keywords in the world of web positioning.

  • Short tail keywords: Made up of a single term. They are characterized by being at the top of monthly searches and having fierce competition. Let’s take a dealership as an example. The short-tail keyword would be “Cars.
  • Medium tail keywords: Made up of two or three terms. They have a significant number of searches and less competition than the previous ones. Continuing with our example, the keyword would be “Toyota Cars” or “Used Cars”.
  • Long tail keywords: They can have up to 5 terms. They have much less search volume and little competition. But they are an interesting start to get into Google. In fact, these keywords are considered transactional, because they have an implicit purchase intention: “Toyota cars 2023”, “used cars in Indore”.

Where do the keywords go?

  • In the title of the article
  • In the subtitles
  • In the first paragraph
  • In the last paragraph
  • In the Meta description
  • In the attributes of the images
  • In the body of the text

Web positioning: Take care of the structure of internal and external links

One of the aspects that the Google algorithm values ​​most when positioning topics is that the website has a clean structure of links, both internal and external. This allows you to track down similar topics and verify that the site has enough information to address the user’s concerns. In addition to verifying if your sources are of quality.

Internal links, link to articles, landing pages and content offers published on the website.

For their part, external links refer to other domains that are better positioned than ours. The goal is to gain authority in the ranking. In fact, if that website links to us, it transfers a bit of its authority to us.

Tips for a clean link structure

  • Repair or replace broken links. Or they will cause a drop in the ranking.
  • Do not link to web pages not related to your industry
  • Remove links from pages dedicated solely to exchanging links. They have no content and Google could penalize you
  • Avoid hiding links in areas of the website such as the footer, it also causes penalties

Web positioning: Do not underestimate the power of interactions on social networks

Web positioning or SEO depends to a large extent on interactions on social networks. The more people see, like, and share your content, the more relevant your website will be. Google highly values ​​these indicators and automatically catapults popular content to the first three places in the ranking.

That’s why the inbound marketing method places special emphasis on the social media strategy. The dissemination of content is as important as its production.

Web positioning: Structure of web design (user experience)

You can have good content, have a solid keyword strategy and a lot of popularity on social networks, but if the design of your web page is not focused on the needs of the user, you will have a very high bounce rate.

Google takes the user experience during its crawl very seriously. Basically check that:

  • The loading time is less than 3 seconds
  • Content can be accessed from mobile devices
  • Navigation is simple and intuitive
  • The images are not heavy
  • Web positioning: Relevance of the domain

Finally, we have the relevance or authority of the domain, which is nothing more than the reputation of each page quantified on a scale from 1 to 100.

This factor works as follows: a user does a search and the algorithm locates two equally good topics in quality and interactions, coming from two web pages with excellent internal structure and good user experience. Which one do you put first?

Domain authority increases for many reasons, but mainly because it already has a good time hitting the top of Google with other topics. Then, the page with the highest score will be, without a doubt, the one that will rank first.

How do I increase domain authority?

  • Positioning the largest number of keywords
  • Increasing the quality and quantity of incoming links
  • Optimizing SEO
  • Publishing quality content
  • Having a good number of social interactions


If web positioning is one of your objectives, remember to take these fundamental aspects into account. Evaluating the competition is always an excellent option to analyze their steps and take into account their best practices.

Posted in: SEO

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